August 07, 2017

Survey on Sudden Wealth

For our December 2015 edition "Money on my Mind" we performed a small survey on sudden wealth. Read the thoughtful and hilarious answers our MedNeuro students gave!

I would donate all of the money to the Charité and demand a bronze statue of my figure to be placed near the entrance of campus.

I will change the money to 1 dollar bills and enjoy my moment sleeping on it (like Breaking Bad). I am sure that my nucleus accumbens will be insanely happy!!

1- Fly to Maldives/Hawaii
2- Visit the purest lake in the world in Iceland
3- Visit the lost city in Peru
4- Everest base camping
5- Go diving in the great barrier reef

I would first invest it in gold (doesn't depreciate in value with market fluctuations) and a diversified portfolio to rapidly increase my immediate returns, then allocate dividends to my parents, my future, personal projects or startups, and international grassroots organizations and local community projects.

Invest in stocks, real estate or open my own business

I would use the money to build a house in the countryside, and create a cultural center there with workshops and exhibitions and of course travel!  

Spend every holiday with my family in a different country

Hmmmm... at first I would probably just scream. Seeing that amount of money in your hand, bank account...mind... wherever, after having to struggle every month as a student is pretty intense. So yeah, I would scream. Then, as a perfectly normal and sane person, I would call my mom. You know, the typical "hey mom, whats up? oh, I'm just here, chilling with my 800.00 euros, no biggy" haha... just kidding, I would probably scream at her too (well not at her, to her... you know what I mean!!). Then after a looooo...oooo...oooo...oong thought (and getting an earful from my dad saying that he wants a little) about what to do with it I decide I can go 4 ways:
1. I could go the selfish way and spend it all on clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, jewels (starting to hyperventilate) and become a shopaholic, which would be horrible for everybody.
2. I could go the intellectual "also kind of selfish" way and spend it on medical school (which is my life long dream, weird, I know!).
3. I could go the cultural "also selfish way" and go travelling to meet new people, learn new stuff, enrich my brain.
4. Or I could go the kind "super cool" stranger way and give it to charities, buy food for homeless people, help a friend in serious economical need: just helping others. But this last one would only make me want to congratulate myself by taking selfies with my new iPhone to show the world what a good person I am (right? isn't that what famous people do?)
And which one to choose?? Hmmmmmm. well... if the world was a place were 800.000 euros would fall out of the sky then probably it wouldn't be such a big deal and I could go the crazy shopaholic narcissist way. But since it's not I have made my choice. I think I would go with a mixture of the three last ones. I would try to help a friend in need (which I do have), I would pay for medical school AND FINISH IT IN TIME. And then I would go toooo...hmmmmm..... Africa maybe? Cuba? South America? And not only increase my medical knowledge but also help a little around there with it. Places where maybe 800.000 euros might not do much (because let's face it, world hunger can not be cured with 800.000 euros) but a little help, in any way, can go a looong way.
Oh! did I forget? I would go to all those places in my newly purchased Gucci/Dolche&Gabanna shoes!!
What would you do if you became wealthy over night? Let us know your answers in the comments!

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